Saturday, March 10, 2012

BIG news!

February was a busy month.  Oh, wait….so was January. And December.  Who am I kidding?  Life is busy!  But back to February. 

First I was in the DRC for 2 weeks with a team of 3 volunteers from the U.S. and 5 of us from the East Africa office.  We were working at a mission station in a village called Vanga located on the Kwilu River.  The station includes a hospital and nursing school and we were there designing a new classroom building for the nursing school as well as working on conceptual plans for a medical missions training facility.  

Volunteer, Chance, in Vanga helping some local guys dig a hole used to determine the percolation rate of the soil.  You can't see him, but there is another guy down in that hole!  It was about 2 meters (6 feet) deep.
Shortly after, I went to South Sudan for a few days to visit an orphanage.  I was there to evaluate their water supply and design rainwater harvesting systems.  At both of these ministries, I saw the way God is working in people's lives in many different ways, and it’s such a privilege to be a small part of that.  

Children at Hope for Sudan Orphanage

But more on both of those trips later....

Now for the BIG news:  after much prayerful consideration, I will sign a new 3 year agreement with EMI when my current one year commitment is up in August!!  I will officially join the East Africa office as Staff Civil Engineer and Disaster Response Coordinator.  Lots of things will change, but one of the main differences is that I will be responsible for managing 2 to 3 projects each year.  I will coordinate with our ministry partner, plan the trip to the project site, and lead the team of volunteers.  In my role as Disaster Response Coordinator, I will direct our efforts for disaster relief and manage partnerships with other organizations doing the same.   

David, John, Sarah, Ed and myself on the MAF flight to Vanga.
I am thrilled and so thankful and humbled to have this opportunity to continue to serve with EMI!  After being here 6 months, I realize just how short 1 year is.  It is difficult to be effective unless you have been in a new place long enough to understand things in the context of the culture.  And I am just beginning to understand some things about life in east Africa. 

I plan to return to the U.S. for a visit at the end of October through Christmas.  During that time I hope to be able to see you all and I will start making plans soon.

Thank you all for your continued love, support, prayers, cards and emails of encouragement!   I love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or words of any kind, please post below, send me an email, or Facebook message me. I love to hear from you (oh, wait, I said that already)!


  1. Oh wow Rose! What an angel you are!

  2. That is awesome Rose! We can't wait to see you when you come home!

  3. What amazing work you are doing Rose! Sounds like you are doing what you love and loving what you do! Blessings to you!!

  4. You are an inspiration sweet Rosie! Im so thankful for you! Congrats on your journey girl! I celebrate your life and observe an awesome peacefulness in this path you have chosen. Continue to explore and grow!
    All my love!
    Sarah Bess

  5. Well done Rose! I am excited that you are thriving with EMI East Africa and I beliave you will contribute great things to the team!

  6. rose, THREE whole years

    that's so long, but im so proud of you.
    it's takes more strength and courage to this than i can imagine.
    you just keep it up and know we are here in america cheering you on!

  7. wow congratulations! Your story is a real inspiration to be comfortable with setting roots and being patient to see what fruit can come up. What town of sudan were you in? I was in a childrens home in Nimule after our trip last year!
